Da dette er en tråd om bøger, vil jeg prøve at liste nogle af de bøger, der kan findes online.
Disse er dog på Engelsk, så dette er en forudsætning for at læse disse.
Klik her. Fowls for the times. The history and development of the Orpington fowl af William Cook, 1896
Klik her. Standard-bred Orpingtons, black, buff and white, their practical qualities; the standard requirements; how to judge them; how to mate and breed for best results, with a chapter on new non-standard varieties af John Henry Drevenstedt, 1857
Klik her. The Brahma fowl by Lewis Wright
Kilk her. The China fowl: Shanghae, Cochin, and "Brahma," (1874), Burnham, Geo. P. (George Pickering)
Klik her. The Asiatics; Brahmas, Cochins and Langshans, all varieties, their origin; peculiarities of shape and color; egg production; their market qualities. Breeding, mating and exhibiting, with detailed illustrated instructions on judging (1904)
Plymouth Rock:
Klik her. The Feather's Plymouth Rock book by McGrew, T. F. (Thomas Fletcher), 1850-1930
Klik her. The growth of White Plymouth Rock chickens by Mitchell, H. H. (Harold Hanson), 1886-1966; Hamilton, T. S. (Tom Sherman), 1894-; Card, L. E. (Leslie Ellsworth), 1893-
Klik her. The Plymouth Rock standard and breed book; a complete description of all varieties of Plymouth Rocks, with the text in full from the latest (1915) revised edition of the American standard of perfection as it relates to all varieties of Plymouth Rocks. Also, with treatises on breeding, rearing, feeding housing, conditioning for exhibitions, exhibiting - etc (1919) by Smith, Arthur Carlton, 1867- ed; American Poultry Association